Joel Tremblay is an architect in Northern Ontario, Canada. In 2021 Joel completed his Master of Architecture at Carleton University and holds a Bachelor of Architectural Science with Distinction from the University of Waterloo. His thesis titled “The Architectural Chuck Box” was awarded the 2020-2021 Maxwell Taylor Prize. Joel was a recipient of the 2020 Stantec Architecture Prize for his “Nomad - Overland Outfitters” project and has been recognized on Dezeen, and Architectural Magazine, for his “Machine City Stadium” project during the Deep Dust | The Killing Dark Studio.

Joel Tremblay Canoe Tripping


Joel's professional experience includes working on a variety of projects such as off-grid cabins, custom residential homes, outdoor exhibitions, and large commercial projects of various sizes and budgets. As an amateur videographer or 'YouTuber,' Joel has collaborated with several creators and brands, using his skills to create engaging content. In the spring of 2023, Joel founded Tremblay Creative Co., a brand and outlet to showcase his passion for content creation.


When you’re out there, please remember:

tread lightly, and pack out what you packed in!

Joel was born and raised in northern Ontario and is fully bilingual in French & English. Joel is an outdoor enthusiast; when he is not working on a project, he will likely be out of cell range with a camera in his hand; fishing, hunting, camping, and overlanding.


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